Frank Wiltshire

Remembering former BNZers who fought in WW1 and WW2, some of whom never returned home. 

Frank was a clerk in Auckland office, born in 1894 he was 22 when he enlisted for the New Zealand Expeditionary Force in January 1916. He fought during the battle of Messines and died on the 10 June 1917.

Each year the Friends of In Flanders Fields Museum (VIFF) hold a memorial service at Frank's graveside.

From 2003 - 2012 his niece Mrs Patricia Young would visit the grave every year. Since her death the VIFF has taken this task for themselves to continue the tradition.

The ceremony usually involves the Olderman of Ypres, members of the Vrienden Flanders Fields and two buglers. A small tribute with a big meaning.

Frank Wiltshire

Frank Wiltshire